Kreuzkirche Weimar | Augustinerkirche Erfurt |
Monday, 5 Dec., 18h Advent Meditation with songs from Taize and around the world |
Thursday, 1 Dec., 18h Advent Meditation in German with atmospheric music and lights |
Saturday, 17 Dec., 17h A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols |
Thursday, 8 Dec., 18h Advent Meditation in German with atmospheric music and lights |
Sunday, 25 Dec., 11h English Christmas Service in the Jakobskirche. A cooperation with the Ev.-Luth. Kirchenkreis Weimar |
Thursday, 15 Dec., 18h Advent Meditation in German with atmospheric music and lights Thursday, 22 Dec. there will be no service in the Augustinerkloster
Monday, 9 Jan., 18h Saturday, 28 Jan., 17h |
Beginning in January Every Thursday at 18h Evening Worship |
Monday, 6 Feb., 18h Saturday, 25 Feb., 17h |
Monday, 13 March 18h Saturday, 25 March 17h |